You see, our school has this tradition of holding a "Top Turkey Competition" every year. Each participating staff member hangs a paper turkey in their classroom or office, and students buy feathers for their favorite staff members' turkeys. At the end of the contest, the teacher with the most feathers is declared our school's "Top Turkey" and wins a crown of feathers and a frozen turkey to enjoy on Thanksgiving. Proceeds for feathers generally go toward a good cause (Salvation Army this year). My club, the Builders Club, is running the competition, and not only did we have to cut out a gazillion-bajillion paper feathers in preparation, but at the end of each day, I have to take all of the feathers students purchased and divide them up into little bundles to put into the teachers' boxes. This translates to over 800 feathers that I have sorted through, paper clipped into little piles, and delivered (and this was after only three days of the competition).
I'm having a great time running this fundraiser, but for two days in a row, I have been dreaming of feathers. It's nothing specific, it's just that anything I dream about has feathers plastered all over it. Like two nights ago, I dreamt of my friend Felisa's upcoming baby shower, and in the dream, the guests had paper feathers attached to their clothes and hair, and all of the gifts were covered with feathers. Last night, after finishing the first book in the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series, naturally I had a dream about owls. But ALL of the owls were covered with feathers. Okay, I realize that owls are supposed to be covered with feathers. But these ones were covered with paper feathers...orange, green, and blue ones. It was just wrong.
Compared to some of your previous dreams, you should consider yourself lucky!
ReplyDeleteWow, sounds like you're busy with all those feathers! If it makes you feel any better, when I'm inundated with something, I dream about it too. Right now, it's papers. I'm drowning in them!
ReplyDeleteI remember those days Kristyn, and definitely don't envy you. Just keep plowing through and focus on your upcoming break. I often feel like I'm drowning in papers too, but they're of the "seventh grade crummy writing" variety. I'd take the feathers over that any day of the week. :)
ReplyDeleteVery true, Shan! At least in this one I didn't go through any species' changes or suffer from any natural disasters in the Hollywood Hills.
Birds of a feather