Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My and Clint's cellphone contracts expired recently, and since Verizon was offering a "two for one" deal on their Droid phones, Clint went ahead and ordered them. I don't really know much about the Droids, but I know we've got the whole media package on them. This means that, from now on, I will be able to access the Internet from my phone. I don't know if this is going to prove to be a blessing or a curse, but I am like a little kid right now waiting for Christmas--I'm so excited to play with my new phone. Fed Ex tried to deliver them today, but we weren't home, so now Clint's on his way to go fetch them right now. I have a feeling the rest of our evening has officially gone down the drain.

I went to kickboxing this morning, despite how sore my muscles were from the last class. If I push myself to work through the sore muscles, the pain goes away. I don't know if it's the endorphins or what, but it works every time. Then about an hour after working out, as soon as my muscles are cooled down, I'm back to feeling crippled again. It was a great workout though and I felt exhilarated for the rest of the morning.

Later after our workout, Clint and I went out to lunch, and then to Costco to buy beach towels, road snacks, and a few other things we need for our upcoming vacation. I am really excited for our trip! Last night Clint showed me pictures of the inside of our cabin, and it is very cute. It is actually larger on the inside then it looks from the front, because they're designed to be narrow, but long. It has an eat-in kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. The kids get to have their own room with bunk beds, which is a huge benefit.

The only thing is I might just have to confiscate Clint's new phone, or else he'll be playing with it while we're on vacation--I know that man too well.


  1. I was just looking at the picture of your new phone and it looks a lot like the one Matt got. His is a different model, but it's an HTC,too. He's learning to get use to it, but the learning curve is huge. From no phone to uber technical phone, it's a bit of a leap! He's getting it. :)

  2. Your trip sounds like SO much fun! Hope you have a great time!


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