Sunday, March 28, 2010

Destination: Spain!

I just finished my last post, but I wanted to keep this one separate. Clinton and I are going to Spain this summer! We're going from June 23rd to July 3rd. I would have mentioned it earlier (we've been contemplating this for awhile now), but I wanted to wait until it was a for sure thing. This afternoon we turned in our nonrefundable deposit, so at this point I think it's safe to say that it's for sure.

This trip to Spain is NOT a vacation, although we will get to spend one full day sight-seeing in Madrid. This is actually a service-oriented mission's trip. We're going to be staying at an English camp on the outskirts of Madrid, where we will be working on construction projects and teaching the kids at the camp English.

I'm sure I'll have more to say about all of this later, but right now I'm just letting it settle in that I'm actually going somewhere further than Mexico. Now I need to go find Spain on the globe so I know where the heck it is, cuz I really suck at geography.


  1. Well, whether it's a vacation or not, I hope you have a nice, safe trip! Enjoy Spain!

  2. You already know what I think about Spain, so I am going to give you a random comment instead.
    You HAVE to change the black background with the white letters because it hurts my eyes, and I am your most important reader (LOL) and you have to cater to MY visual needs.

  3. I thought about changing my background, but I currently have 33 regular readers who seem JUST FINE with it the way it is, so you are just going to have to suffer (haha).

    But seriously, it's not an easy fix, so I will have to wait until summer break to play around with it. Sorry Sho. :-(


Thanks for your comment!