Friday, March 29, 2013


Hi and welcome to our blog!*  All this prattling comes to you from twin bloggers living at two very different elevations.  Shannon lives in the mountain town of "Pinecone" where you can find Christmas lights up in May.  Jodi lives in the desert town of "Tumbleweed" where kids have dirt-ball fights and pretend it's snow.

The focus of this blog is...well...we'll have to get back to you on that one.  Until then, thanks for stopping by, and we hope that you find something here of value.  Or at least something that makes you feel better about your own life.

*Update (5/18/14): This post was written when I (Jodi) moved over to a new URL,, intending to co-author the blog with my twin sis. We had great fun for awhile, but eventually things like writing a dissertation and adjusting to a new career in psychology resulted in Shan throwing in the towel ("but not in a suicidal way"--as she states in her explanatory post). I proceeded to transfer all of the posts from Writeapy--about a year's worth--back here, to my original website, Ocean in a Cup. If you're more confused now after reading the update than you were before, so am I.


  1. Love the theme, love the title, love it!! :D

  2. Thanks Kristyn! I can't believe how EMPTY it looks. I think I'll have to add another post on here tonight just to give it a little more meat.

  3. Thanks Kristyn! We're pretty excited to start this new blog. I'm with Jodi's pitifully empty right now!

  4. An "Admin" siggy? You are out of control JoJo!

  5. No one was supposed to go back and see that. ;)

    Okay, I might be a tad out of control. I'll work on that.


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